
unusual facts about The Yiddish Forward

Binyumen Schaechter

His father, Mordkhe Schaechter, was an influential linguist of the Yiddish language; his aunt, Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman is a Yiddish poet and songwriter; his cousin, Itzik Gottesman, is an editor of The Yiddish Forward and the Tsukunft, and a scholar of Yiddish folklore.

see also

Binyumen Schaechter

His sister Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath is a Yiddish poet, sister Rukhl Schaechter is a journalist with the Yiddish Forward, and sister Eydl Reznik teaches Yiddish among the ultra-Orthodox community in Tsfat, Israel.

Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath

Her aunt Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman is a poet and songwriter; sister Rukhl Schaechter is a journalist with the Yiddish Forward; sister Eydl Reznik teaches Yiddish and directed a Yiddish chorus among the ultra-Orthodox community in Tsfat, Israel; and brother Binyumen Schaechter is a Yiddish composer and performer.

The Forward

The most well-known writer in the Yiddish Forward was Isaac Bashevis Singer, who received the Nobel Prize in literature although other well known Socialist literary and political figures, such as Leon Trotsky and Morris Winchevsky have also written for it.