
unusual facts about The cover of ''Portraiture: Facing the Subject'', showing Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Ad Reinhardt

He took painting classes as an undergraduate at Columbia's Teachers College and after graduation began to study painting with Carl Holty and Francis Criss at the American Artists School, while simultaneously studying portraiture at the National Academy of Design under Karl Anderson.

Andrés López Polanco

In his portraits of Philip III (Nelahozeves Castle, Czech Republic) and Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain, he does not depart from the tradition of court portraiture, gently resolving the details of the clothing.

Brancacci Chapel

Moreover, the commissioning patron's exile in 1436 hindered any possibility of the frescos completion by other artists; in fact, it is probable that some parts already painted by Masaccio were removed as a sort of damnatio memoriae, because of their portraiture of the Brancacci family members.

Caleb Cheeshahteaumuck

A part of the Harvard Foundation Portraiture Project diversity initiative, it was painted by the alumnus Stephen E. Coit.

Charles Willson Peale

Finding that he had a talent for painting, especially portraiture, Peale studied for a time under John Hesselius and John Singleton Copley.

Consuelo Kanaga

Her portraiture included many well-known artists and writers of the 1930s and '40s, including Milton Avery, Morris Kantor, Wharton Esherick, Mark Rothko and W. Eugene Smith.

Elisabeth Gordon Chandler

Chandler excelled especially in portraiture, and produced busts which were definitive images of such notables as Nobelist Dr. Albert Michelson, United States Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, Supreme Court Chief Justices John Jay, Charles Evans Hughes and Harlan Fiske Stone, actor Charles Coburn, artists James Montgomery Flagg and Alphaeus Philemon Cole, and Adlai Stevenson.

Garfield Barwick

He first came to public prominence in the 1943 case over the artistic merits of William Dobell's Archibald Prize-winning portrait of the painter Joshua Smith; a losing entrant claimed the picture was caricature, not portraiture.

Hans Neleman

Neleman's personal work includes still lifes and assemblages, while his commercial work has included fashion and celebrity portraiture, as well as advertising campaigns for clients like Nike, American Express and Sony.


The Wall Street Journal adopted the current form of this portraiture in 1979 when freelance artist Kevin Sprouls approached the paper with some ink dot illustrations he had created.

Henry Austin Dobson

He has been compared with Randolph Caldecott, with which it has much in common; but Dobson's humour was not so "rollicking" and his portraiture not so broad as that of the illustrator of John Gilpin.

Italian Renaissance painting

Portraiture was uncommon in the 14th and early 15th centuries, mostly limited to civic commemorative pictures such as the equestrian portraits of Guidoriccio da Fogliano by Simone Martini, 1327, in Siena and, of the early 15th century, John Hawkwood by Uccello in Florence Cathedral and its companion portraying Niccolò da Tolentino by Andrea del Castagno.

J. F. Archibald

In his will, he made the two bequests by which he is best remembered by the general public: funds for the Archibald Fountain in Sydney's Hyde Park, which he specified must be designed by a French sculptor, and the Archibald Prize for portraiture, now Australia's most prestigious art prize.

John White Alexander

In 1881 he returned to New York and speedily achieved great success in portraiture, numbering among his sitters Oliver Wendell Holmes, John Burroughs, Henry G. Marquand, R. A. L. Stevenson, and president McCosh of Princeton University.

Joseph Koerner

The first volume, The Moment of Self-Portraiture in German Renaissance Art (1993), studied Albrecht Dürer’s self-portraits and their distortion by Dürer’s disciple, Hans Baldung Grien.

Leo Jansen

Many of the rich and famous (such as Raquel Welch, Willian Holden, Donald Sutherland, Stephanie Powers, and the LA Times Hearst family. ) sought out Jansen for his portraiture skills, Jansen's sitting fee in the 1960 was US$20,000.

Mark Hallett

Hallett is best known for his writings on eighteenth-century graphic satire and on Georgian portraiture, and on the artists William Hogarth and Joshua Reynolds.

Patricia Fara

Her areas of particular academic interest include the role of portraiture and art in the history of science, science in the 18th century England during the Enlightenment and the role of women in science.

Sarah Paxton Ball Dodson

Dodson's artistic interests were broad, from the semi-classic French influence of her earlier works, such as La Danse, painted in 1867 but not exhibited until 1878, to the schools of the Italian Renaissance (inspired by her visits to Spain and Italy), followed by a period of realistic portraiture, including one of her more famous works, The Signing of the Declaration of Independence, painted in 1883.

Shooting Stars Productions

Shooting Stars Productions is a youth sports portraiture company located in the historic Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco, California.

Sister Kinderhook

The album revolves around a fantastical theme that explores subject matter such as the New Netherland settlements, Colonial Federalism, feral children, the Anti-Rent Wars of 1844, Early American portraiture, and the prehistoric Mound Builder giants of Illinois and Ohio.

Stephen Farthing

During the 1990s, he reinvented history painting as a viable contemporary narrative taking on subject matters as diverse as the Battle of Trafalgar, swagger portraiture, and the topographical mapping of cities.

Valerie Jodoin Keaton

Jodoin Keaton's unique style of documentary portraiture (using a Hasselblad camera) led Paul McCartney to invite her to photograph him on stage during his Quebec City show in 2008.

see also