Theodore Roosevelt | Theodore Dreiser | Theodore Sturgeon | Dalrymple | Theodore von Kármán | Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. | Theodore Parker | Theodore Bikel | Theodore | Theodore Roosevelt National Wildlife Refuge Complex | Théodore Botrel | Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria | Theodore Wirth | Theodore Ushev | Theodore Robinson | Theodore of Tarsus | Theodore Edgar McCarrick | Théodore Dubois | Alexander Dalrymple | Theodore Roethke | Theodore of Mopsuestia | Théodore Géricault | Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell | Théodore Dézamy | Theodore C. Blegen | John Theodore of Bavaria | Charles Theodore | Theodore Ziolkowski | Theodore Winthrop | Theodore Thomas |
Contributors have included Antony Flew, Christie Davies, Enoch Powell, Margaret Thatcher, Václav Havel, Hugh Trevor-Roper, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Norman Stone, and Theodore Dalrymple.
Between 1990 and 2000, "Theodore Dalrymple", whose real name is Anthony Daniels, worked as a physician at City Hospital and Birmingham Prison, both located in the Winson Green area of Birmingham, England.