During the 1990s, on a late night television show by Thierry Ardisson Majax gave a demo of the "rotating table" supernatural phenomenon: a group of "randomly" selected people from the audience stood around a round table, put their hands on it, and the table went up and started rotating.
Her songs have been used in commercials and television programmes such as Lunettes noires pour nuits blanches by Thierry Ardisson (1988–1990).
Since November 2006, They play every Saturday in French TV show Salut les Terriens, presented by Thierry Ardisson on Canal+.
She began her career as an assistant producer, especially with television presenters Guillaume Durand, Thierry Ardisson and Michel Drucker.
Thierry Mugler | Thierry Henry | Château-Thierry | Thierry Lhermitte | Thierry Lincou | Thierry Fischer | Thierry Ardisson | Thierry Breton | Thierry Roland | Thierry of Chartres | Thierry Michel | Thierry Marx | Thierry Lodé | Thierry Frémaux | Thierry De Mey | Thierry Amar | Saint-Thierry | François Thierry | William Thierry Preyer | Thierry Tulasne | Thierry Rozier | Thierry Pantel | Thierry Meyssan | Thierry Le Luron | Thierry Lang | Thierry Desmarest | Thierry d'Argenlieu | Thierry Boudinaud | Thiérry Bardini | Thierry Bardini |