Thomas Jefferson Mayfield (1843–1928) led a remarkable double life in the early decades of California statehood, living his boyhood as an adopted member of the Choinumni (Choinumne) branch of the Yokuts tribe in the San Joaquin Valley, then rejoining the dominant Anglo-American community throughout his long adulthood.
Thomas Jefferson | Thomas Edison | Jefferson Airplane | Thomas | Jefferson Davis | Thomas Hardy | Thomas Mann | Thomas Aquinas | Clarence Thomas | Thomas Gainsborough | Dylan Thomas | Thomas Pynchon | St. Thomas | Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands | Jefferson | Thomas Carlyle | Jefferson County | Thomas the Tank Engine | Thomas Moore | Thomas Cromwell | Thomas Becket | Thomas the Apostle | Thomas Merton | Jefferson Highway | Thomas Tallis | Thomas Paine | Roy Thomas | Jefferson Starship | Thomas Telford | Thomas More |