
5 unusual facts about Thomas Middelhoff

Manfred Lahnstein

In February 2009 he was appointed to the Supervisory Board of the London-based investment company Berger Lahnstein Middelhoff & Partners LLP (BLM Partners).

Thomas Middelhoff

On June 5, 2009 several media sources reported that the German justice minister Brigitte Zypries had recommended that the state prosecution service look into allegations of fraud against Middelhoff, based on the fact that he and his wife held shares of an investment fund that bought real estate from Arcandor and then allegedly leased it back it to Arcandor for unusually high rental fees.

Middelhoff has five children and lives with his family in Bielefeld.

In 1986 he moved to Bertelsmann, a multinational media corporation based in Germany, as assistant manager of the graphic firm in Gütersloh.

From 2004 to 1 March 2009, Middelhoff was chairman of the supervisory board of Arcandor (previously KarstadtQuelle AG), and CEO of the company.

see also