Abraham Simon (1617-?1692) was an English medallist to the Royal Mint in the 17th century who worked closely with his brother Thomas Simon.
On the occasion of his contest with the brothers John, Joseph and Philip Roettiers, who were employed by the mint in 1662, Simon produced his celebrated crown of Charles II, on the margin of which he engraved a petition to the king.
In 1645 he was appointed by the parliament joint chief engraver along with Edward Wade, and, having executed the great seal of the Commonwealth and dies for the coinage, he was promoted to be chief engraver to the mint and seals.
Thomas Jefferson | Paul Simon | Thomas Edison | Thomas | Thomas Hardy | Thomas Mann | Thomas Aquinas | Clarence Thomas | Thomas Gainsborough | Dylan Thomas | Thomas Pynchon | Simon & Schuster | Simon Cowell | St. Thomas | Carly Simon | Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands | Simon Fraser University | Thomas Carlyle | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Thomas the Tank Engine | Thomas Moore | Thomas Cromwell | Thomas Becket | Thomas the Apostle | Thomas Merton | Simon | Thomas Tallis | Thomas Paine | Neil Simon | Simón Bolívar |