Shortly before the series begins, an asteroid hits the Moon, shattering it into three fragments, threatening to eventually fall to Earth and end life.
Her husband, Carl, a local industry leader, abandoned the family after the moon incident to live in a yurt some distance away from the family home, and has since left the country to climb the Seven Summits.
Milford | Milford, Massachusetts | Marquess of Milford Haven | Galilean moons | Shepherd Moons | West Milford, New Jersey | South Milford | Milford, Michigan | Milford Haven | West Milford | The Maker of Moons (short story) | The Maker of Moons | "The Maker of Moons" | South Milford, Indiana | Robin Milford | Moons of Mars | Milford, Surrey | Milford, Pennsylvania | Milford, Ohio | Milford, Illinois | Milford Hall | Milford, Derbyshire | George Mountbatten, 2nd Marquess of Milford Haven | World of the Three Moons | New Milford | Moons of Jupiter | Moons and Mushrooms | Milford, Virginia | Milford, Utah | Milford Township |