It is by some fixed some 5 km southeast of the modern village of Cisterna di Latina just before the Via Appia enters the Pontine Marshes, at a point where the modern road to Ninfa and Norba diverges to the northeast, where a few ruins still exist (Grotte di Nottola), 53 km from Rome.
Tres Tabernae was the place where the former Emperor Flavius Valerius Severus was held prisoner by Maxentius and Maximian, before being killed (307).
Ulubrae, mentioned as a typical desert village by Roman writers, lay in the plain between Cisterna and Sermoneta.
Ulubrae was an ancient village about 50 kilometers (30 mi) from Rome, past the Three Taverns on the Appian Way, and at the start of the Pontine Marshes.