Throw-away society, a human society strongly influenced by consumerism
Throwaway line, a joke delivered "in passing" without being the punch line to a comedy routine
He also was referenced in Superman/Batman Annual #1 in a throwaway caption near the end: "Darkseid played chess with Ambush Bug. Ambush Bug accidentally destroyed the universe with the 'Ultimate Clapper.'"
"Meet on the Ledge"/"Throwaway Street Puzzle" December 1968 (Island)
Precycling includes such practices as buying consumables in bulk to reduce packaging, buying consumables in recyclable over non-recyclable packaging, avoiding junk mail, and using electronic media for reading materials, especially throwaway items such as magazines or newspapers.
An alternative explanation has since been given in the pages of New Avengers since, according to Marvel editor Tom Brevoort, "nobody was satisfied with that offhanded non-explanation, and it didn’t make a heck of a lot of sense by itself even as a throwaway".