
2 unusual facts about Tibiriçá

São Paulo Cathedral

Of special note are the bronze tombs of two important historical figures: Father Diogo Feijó and the cacique Tibiriçá.


His granddaughters and their descendants married Portuguese noblemen that led the colonization of São Paulo under Martim Afonso de Sousa, including Jorge Ferreira, Domingos Luiz (a knight of the Order of Christ), and Tristão de Oliveira, son of capitão-mor Antonio de Oliveira and Genebra Leitão de Vasconcelos, both of important noble families.


Tibiriçá |

Evaristo Conrado Engelberg

During 1888, as international demand for his machine increased, Engelberg partnered with José Tibiriçá to create a branch of his company in Syracuse, New York, known as the Engelberg Huller Company, which was organized for the purpose of manufacturing and selling the "Engelberg huller".

see also