
3 unusual facts about Tiefland

Àngel Guimerà

In addition to being a popular stage play, Terra baixa was made into six films, including a silent film in the United States, entitled "Martha of the Lowlands" (1914) and Leni Riefenstahl's Tiefland (1954).

Furthermore, it served as the source material for two operas: Eugen d'Albert's German opera Tiefland (1903) and Fernand Le Borne's La Catalane (French).

Vilhelm Herold

Herold was a prominent interpreter of Pedro in Eugen d'Albert's Tiefland during the years following its premiere, with the composer himself pronouncing him as ideal in the role.

Heinrich Rehkemper

In the German repertoire he had roles in Pfitzner's Palestrina and Das Herz; Schultze's Schwarzer Peter; Eugen d'Albert's Tiefland, Goetze's Widerspenstigen Zähmung, Jokanaan in Richard Strauss's Salome, and others.

see also