In Signum magazine, writer Tiffany Lee Brown implies strongly that Olympia Experimental Music Festival founder Jim McAdams is one of the anonymous musicians in the group.
Her performances and interdisciplinary pieces have been presented by Portland Center Stage's JAW Festival, Performance Arts NorthWest, the Enteractive Language Festival, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art's Dada Ball, the Portland Rose Festival, and the Dark Arts Festival.
Tiffany Lee Brown is an American writer, editor, and interdisciplinary artist from Portland, Oregon.
Brown University | James Brown | Robert E. Lee | Gordon Brown | Spike Lee | Jerry Lee Lewis | Bruce Lee | Chris Brown | Peggy Lee | Lee Konitz | John Lee Hooker | Christopher Lee | Tiffany & Co. | Lee | Brown | Brown v. Board of Education | Stan Lee | Lee Kuan Yew | Jamie Lee Curtis | Ang Lee | Jerry Brown | Washington and Lee University | Tim Berners-Lee | Lee Hsien Loong | Mack Brown | Chris Brown (American entertainer) | Lee Strasberg | Stewart Lee | Rickie Lee Jones | Lee Marvin |