
unusual facts about Tigress


Jesse Chambers

Written by Jen Van Meter and drawn by Travis Moore, the series was an action/romance feature which chronicled the adventures of Jesse and her husband Rick as they battled the villainous couple of Tigress and Icicle.

Lancair Tigress

The Lancair Tigress was an American homebuilt aircraft that was designed by Lance Neibauer and intended for production by Lancair of Redmond, Oregon, introduced in mid-late 1990s.

Nottawasaga River

They rowed 360 miles to Fort Michilimackinac and three days later, Worsley returned with 92 men to take the Tigress and Scropion.

Paula Brooks

The Paula Brooks Tigress/Huntress is later seen out of uniform in Young Justice at an Olympics-type event where her daughter Artemis competes on behalf of Zandia, a country that harbors super-villains.

see also