
2 unusual facts about Tijara


Since their connection with the ruler's of Tijara, people of these villages writes Rao as their surnames.

Name of Tijara was derived from "Raja Tejpal" descendent of Anangpal Tomar.


Tijara |

Mohammad Zainuddin

After the defeat of Rao Tula Ram on 16 November 1857, Mufti Yaqinuddin and his brother-in-law Abdur Rahman (alias Nabi Baksh) were hanged after brought from Tijara to Delhi.

Qazi Hameeduddin

Khairat Ali was Sarrishtedar Deputy Commissioner of Gurgaon, who later on joined the services at the court of Maharaja Tijara.

Qazi Mir Imdad Ali

Mohammad Yusuf died due to Pneumonia in an early age on 9 Dhu al-Qi'dah at Tijara while Anwari Begum died at the age of 84 years on 16 Shawwal / 15 May 1957 at Karachi, Pakistan.

see also