
unusual facts about Tikhvin


Other industrial enterprises in the town include the manufacturing of furniture for IKEA, a construction company, a wood-chemical plant (producing rosin, resin, turpentine, and other such wood-based chemicals), a meat-packing plant, a dairy plant, a bread factory, and other light enterprises.


Tikhvin |


There are road connections to Tikhvin (via Lyubytino), Okulovka, and Pestovo.

Tikhvinskaya water system

Construction of railways and the movement of ships along the Svir River increased competition, which led to the closure of the Tikhvin system.

Tikhvinsky District

Tikhvin hosts the Museum-House of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, which is located in the house where Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, a Russian composer, was born in 1844 and spent his childhood years.

see also