In the fictional universe of Warhammer Fantasy, Tilea is the region of the warhammer world roughly analogous with that of renaissance Italy and Polis, an ancient Greek city-states.
This arrangement was soon ended when the forces of Jaffa of Araby began a protracted war against the nearby lands of Estalia.
c 1501 - The mercenary army of Luciano Catena recaptures Sartosa from the Corsairs of Araby.
Tilea |
Felicia Ţilea-Moldovan (born 29 September 1967 in Măgura Ilvei, Bistriţa-Năsăud) is a Romanian javelin thrower.
Other lands not explored as thoroughly but still frequently mentioned include the fragmented lands of Estalia and Tilea, fashioned after Spain and the city-states of Renaissance Italy respectively, and Araby, a mixture of Arabic Caliphate and Persia.