Later there developed the common opinion that identified the sword of James I of Aragon, named Tisó, with the one attributed to the Cid in the Cantar de gesta, but this is contrasted with the Llibre dels fets (a series of autobiographical chronicles including James I of Aragon) in which the Tisó is described in detail without any mention of The Cid, most likely owing to a simple coincidence of name.
The recent investigations of the Complutense University of Madrid, published in 2001, signal that the sword is from the 11th century; nevertheless the Curator of the Royal Armory Álvaro Soler del Campo points out that the sword is formed of three joined pieces and that their typology is the same as that of the handle, adornment, and the inscription, from the era of the Catholic Monarchs.
Tizona |
A brief discussion of Joan's sword, obtained from the church of Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois and its relation to other famous swords with mystic powers such as those of King Arthur (Excaliber), Roland (Durendal), El Cid (Tizona and Colada), Charlemagne (Joyeuse), and others.