The two main ceramics centers are Tlaquepaque and Tonalá, with a wide variety of products such as cookware, plates, bowls, piggy banks and a many types of figures.
To help Jalisco potters stay competitive, the Museo Regional de la Cerámica has added a design center to help train local artisans in new designs and techniques.
The two main pottery producing municipalities are Tonalá and Tlaquepaque.
The Museo Regional de la Ceramica is run by the Instituto de la Artesanía Jalisciense and the state government of Jalisco.
The two rooms are filled with large earthenware pots, plates, utensils, glassware and more which came from Metepec, Oaxaca, Tlaquepaque and Guanajuato, all known for their handcrafted items.
When the telenovela was presented to the media, local press revealed that Jalisco's Governor, Emilio González Márquez, invested 38 million Mexican pesos (3.5 million dollars) in order to help with the production of this telenovela, and also gave Televisa all facilities to develop the telenovela in Guadalajara and other Jalisco towns (Tlaquepaque and Chapala, amongst others).
She studied psychology at the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) in Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, and has pursued graduate studies at the Universidad Iberoamericana.
Zenón Martínez García (b. ? – d. 2010) was a Mexican potter from Tlaquepaque, Jalisco recognized for his figurines.