
6 unusual facts about Tobata

Honjō Athletic Stadium

Together with Sayagatani stadium in Tobata ward, Honjo stadium hosted the All Japan rugby clubs championship on January 13 and 14, 2008.


Tobata Station, a railway station on the Kagoshima Main Line, Japan

Tobata-ku, Kitakyūshū

A scene from the 2003 movie "Spy Sorge" (director Masahiro Shinoda) about Richard Sorge was shot in the garden,

Transfield Shipping Inc v Mercator Shipping Inc

With two weeks to go they got a job to carry coals from Qingdao, China across the Yellow Sea to Tobata and Oita, Japan.

Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyūshū

A new underwater tunnel is being constructed in 2005-6 between Tobata and Wakamatsu wards to link the Hibiki container terminal with Kokura.

Wakato Bridge

The name of the bridge comes from the characters of the Kitakyūshū wards of Wakamatsu (若松) and Tobata (戸畑) that the bridge connects across Dokai Bay.

Tobata Gion Yamagasa festival

This festival has its origin in 1802, when people plagued by an epidemic in Tobata Village of Chikuzen prayed to Suga-taijin to disperse the plague, their prayers were answered and all of the villagers with plague were cured.

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