
3 unusual facts about Tobias Smollett


In Tobias Smollett's 1748 novel The Adventures of Roderick Random, a "bumboat woman" conducts business with sailors imprisoned on board a pressing tender moored near the Tower Wharf on the Thames River, London, England.

Frances Vane, Viscountess Vane

In 1751, Tobias Smollett included the Memoirs of a Lady of Quality in his novel The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle.

Plaza del Potro

The reference in Don Quixote can be found in the Penguin Classics edition, translated by John D. Rutherford, in Chapter III as " ... Potro in Cordova ...", and in the Barnes and Noble edition, translated by Tobias Smollett, in Chapter III as " ... the spout of Cordoba ...".

FitzRoy Henry Lee

He was supposedly the model for Hawser Trunnion from Tobias Smollett's The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle.

Tom King's Coffee House

Fielding mentions it in both The Covent Garden Tragedy and Pasquin and Tobias Smollett in The Adventures of Roderick Random.

see also