His professors at MIT and Harvard included artist Otto Piene, computer scientist Marvin Minsky, designer Muriel Cooper, composer Tod Machover, and film theorist Vlada Petric.
In the fall of 1997 he took "Musical Aesthetics and Media Technology" with Media Laboratory Professor Tod Machover.
Tod Machover: Déplacements, for amplified guitar and computer-generated tape, Festival de la Jeune Musique, Varsovia 1984 (premiere for Europe)
Tod's | Tod Machover | Tod Browning | Tod Swank | Tod Maffin | Moshe Machover | John Tod | James Tod | Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod | Tod R. Lauer | Tod H. Mikuriya | Tod Gordon | Tod Davies | David Tod | Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects | Tod und Teufel | Tod Robbins | Tod Howarth | Tod Andrews | Tod | Dantons Tod | Daniel Machover | Andy Tod |