
4 unusual facts about Tok Pisin

Michael Wesch

Also as a consequence of this trip, Dr. Wesch has gained some command of the Tok Pisin language, a primary lingua franca of Papua New Guinea.

Mother Hubbard dress

In Papua New Guinea, the form of dress is known as meri blaus, which in Tok Pisin means women's blouse.

Papua New Guinea national rugby union team

Nicknamed the Pukpuks, (Tok Pisin for 'crocodiles'), they played their first international in 1966, defeating Vanuatu 47-3.

Tok Pisin

Derek Bickerton's analysis of creoles, on the other hand, claims that the syntax of creoles is imposed on the grammarless pidgin by its first native speakers: the children who grow up exposed to only a pidgin rather than a more developed language such as one of the local languages or English.

see also