The story begins in Philadelphia, where the protagonist, while gazing upon the Liberty Bell and Declaration of Independence, runs into two beautiful women, one from Ireland and the other from Spain, whose names Kōren and Yūran, though decidedly Chinese, can be interpreted as Colleen and Yolanda.
Tokai University | Tōkai | Tōkai region | Tokai, Cape Town | Tokai | Tokai Sanshi | Tōkai, Ibaraki | Tōkai (Ibaraki) | The winner of South African Solar Challenge, "Tokai Challenger", Japan |
His brother, Shiba Shirō, under the pen name Tokai Sanshi, was also famous during the mid-Meiji period, as the author of "Chance Encounters with Beautiful Women" (Kajin no Kigu), a fictionalized account of his time as a student at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.