
6 unusual facts about Tokugawa Yoshimune


In the eighteenth century the game reappeared, largely due to support from Tokugawa Yoshimune.


1739 (Genbun 4): Hosokawa Etchū-no-kami of Higo was killed in Edo castle by Itakura Katsukane, and the killer was ordered to commit suicide as just punishment; however, Shogun Yoshimune personally intervened to mitigate the adverse consequences for the killer's fudai family.

Japan Patent Office

In fact, Tokugawa Yoshimune, the eighth shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty, decreed in 1721 the "Ban on Novelty" (新規御法度 shinki gohatto), which was intended to prohibit everything novel, especially clothing of rich design.

Ōoka clan

However, the clan’s fortunes revived under Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune, with the appointment of the talented Ōoka Tadasuke to the position of Edo Machi-bugyō.

Tokugawa Ietsugu

Nonetheless, there were still collateral lineal branches descended from Ieyasu through one of his many children, and the new shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune, was chosen from one of these lineal Tokugawa branches.


Tokugawa Yoshimune (1684–1751), the eighth shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate

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