They were initially focused on a techno sound which drew on early bleep techno as well as being influenced by fellow Sydneysiders Severed Heads (Tom Ellard from Severed Heads helped produce an album by Paul Mac's other band The Lab, that was never released).
Thomas (Tom) Ellard (born 1962), is an Australian electronic musician best known as the founding member of the electronic and industrial music group Severed Heads.
Tom Hanks | Tom Waits | Tom Jones | Tom Jones (singer) | Tom Cruise | Tom and Jerry | Uncle Tom's Cabin | Tom Petty | Tom Stoppard | Tom Clancy | Tom Wolfe | Tom Selleck | Tom Baker | Tom Brokaw | Tom Robinson | Tom Mix | Tom | Tom Paxton | Tom DeLay | Tom Sawyer | Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers | Tom Joyner | Tom Harkin | Tom Green | Tom Brady | Tom Ridge | Tom Berenger | Tom Robbins | Tom Harrell | Tom Morello |