For the year, and his career, Funk finished with no decisions or saves over 8⅓ innings in eight games with six walks, two strikeouts (Mariano Duncan and Len Matuszek of the Los Angeles Dodgers), and the aforementioned 6.48 earned run average.
Tom Hanks | Tom Waits | Tom Jones | Tom Jones (singer) | Tom Cruise | Tom and Jerry | funk | Uncle Tom's Cabin | Tom Petty | Tom Stoppard | Tom Clancy | Tom Wolfe | Tom Selleck | Tom Baker | Tom Brokaw | Tom Robinson | Tom Mix | Tom | George Clinton (funk musician) | Tom Paxton | Tom DeLay | Funk | Tom Sawyer | Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers | Tom Joyner | Tom Harkin | Tom Green | Tom Brady | Tom Ridge | Tom Berenger |