He chaired RBS during the tenure of CEO Fred Goodwin, who promoted aggressive expansion of the bank by acquiring other banks.
ABN chief executive Rijkman Groenink suspected RBS of acting in concert with the hedge fund Tosca, which was chaired by former RBS Chairman Mathewson and recommended the takeover bid of an RBS consortium, against the proposed merger with Barclays Bank.
However, in early 2007, the Dutch bank ABN AMRO was under pressure from hedge funds, including Chris Hohn of the hedge fund TCI, to break itself up in order to maximise shareholder value.
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The Review panel is an independent panel of economists and business leaders, led by Sir Tom McKillop, Chairman of the Review panel, Jim O’Neill - Head of Global Economic Research for Goldman Sachs, Professor Edward Glaeser - Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics at the University of Harvard, Diane Coyle - Managing Director of Enlightenment Economics and Jonathan Kestenbaum - Chief Executive of NESTA, The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts.