
unusual facts about Torchitorio


Gonario I of Torres

The families of Torchitorio, Athen, Salanis, Kerki, Lacon, Gunale, Thori, Serra, Orrubu, and Sogostas can be identified in the Sardinia of his day, but to which he belonged is unknown.

Torchitorio II of Cagliari

As to his relations with the church, Torchitorio's name is found subscribing many charters of the archbishop William in favour of Antiochus of Sulcis and S. Saturnino and he was probably a devotee of that last saint.

Torchitorio of Gallura

Torchitorio also invited monks from Saint-Victor at Marseilles to come to Gallura in 1089, in imitation of his contemporary Torchitorio I of Cagliari.

see also