The film follows British Navy Lieutenant Robert Maynard (Keith Andes), who sets out to earn a reward by proving that privateer Henry Morgan (Torin Thatcher) also engages in piracy.
Unknown to Vallo, his first mate, Humble Bellows (Torin Thatcher), overhears them.
Torin Thatcher as Humble Bellows, Vallo's rebellious first mate
Now with a third incident a judge (Torin Thatcher) orders her to send the boy to an Episcopal boarding school where Dr. Edward Hewitt (Burton) is headmaster, and his wife Claire (Eva Marie Saint) teaches.
Margaret Thatcher | Thatcher | Death and funeral of Margaret Thatcher | Torin Thatcher | I'm in Love with Margaret Thatcher | Denis Thatcher | Mark Thatcher | Kim Thatcher | Baroness Thatcher's death | Kristine Thatcher | Colin Thatcher | Thatcher, Utah | Thatcher on Acid | Thatcher, Colorado | Moses Thatcher | Margaret Thatcher's | List of Tom Sawyer characters#Rebecca "Becky" Thatcher | George Thatcher | Betty Thatcher |
Godwin has been portrayed by Torin Thatcher in the film Lady Godiva of Coventry (1955) and by Bill Wallis in an episode of the British educational TV series Historyonics entitled "1066" (2004).