
2 unusual facts about Toronto Police Service

2010 G-20 Toronto summit preparations

Oversight of the second ring outside the innermost was handled by the Toronto Police Service (TPS).

Shore Tilbe Irwin + Partners

Other buildings designed by the firm during this time were H.J.A. Brown Education Centre, Peel Regional Police Headquarters, and the post-modern Metropolitan Toronto Police Headquarters.

Death of Sammy Yatim

Sammy Yatim (1995 - 27 July 2013) was an 18-year-old Toronto man, born and raised in Aleppo, Syria, who was shot nine times by Toronto Police Service officer James Forcillo on July 27, 2013.

see also

William J. McCormack

In 2007, he joined other former Toronto chiefs, including David Boothby, Jack Marks and Julian Fantino at a 50th anniversary celebration of the Toronto Police Service at the headquarters building.