
3 unusual facts about Torre dels Escipions

Torre dels Escipions

In the intermediate body are two reliefs of the god of Phrygian Attis deity of death and resurrection, son of Pessinunte and also on the same level there is a burial chamber that housed the furnishings of the deceased; at the base measures 4.40 x 4.70 m.

Its name comes from a misidentification of the two reliefs of the god Attis, who for years were identified as those of Scipio brothers.

It was built in the middle of the 1st century AD, to six kilometers from the city of Tarraco, capital of the Hispania Citerior, in the course of the Via Augusta, the Roman road that crossed the entire peninsula from the Pyrenees to Gades (Cadiz) and is one of the funerary monuments of the Roman era that still remain most important in the Iberian Peninsula.

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