
unusual facts about Torus


In 2006 a set of specialised nodes for creating simple shapes such as: Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Torus, Box and Bézier Lathe were added to make Seamless3d easier for the novice to quickly make simple models.

Cray MTA-2

The MTA-2 was an attempt to correct these problems while maintaining essentially the same processor architecture respun in one silicon ASIC, down from some 26 gallium arsenide ASICs in the original MTA; and while advancing the network design from a 4-D torus topology to a more scalable Cayley graph topology.

Flat manifold

A flat torus can be isometrically embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space with a C1 map (by the Nash embedding theorem) but not with a C2 map, and the Clifford torus provides an isometric analytic embedding of a flat torus in four dimensions.

Gas torus

A gas torus is the setting for Larry Niven's novels The Integral Trees and The Smoke Ring, wherein a gas giant orbiting a neutron star generates a gas torus dense enough for (even human) life; this arrangement is implausible in reality.

Large deviations of Gaussian random functions

The coefficient 2 before P(\xi>a) is in fact the Euler characteristic of the sphere (for the torus it vanishes).


In complex dimension 2, the only complex nilmanifolds are a complex torus and a Kodaira surface.

Noncommutative torus

Many topological and geometric properties of the classical 2-torus have algebraic analogues for the noncommutative tori, and as such they are fundamental examples of a noncommutative space in the sense of Alain Connes.


Villarceau circles, a pair of circles found in an obliquely cut torus, which are named after him

see also