I-19 was the number of the submarine, commanded by Toshiro Mifune, in the Steven Spielberg movie, 1941.
She played the love interest of Toshiro Mifune, Kurosawa's favorite leading man, several times.
Corporate Archives before writing The Emperor and the Wolf, a joint biography of Japanese director Akira Kurosawa and actor Toshiro Mifune, and the first biography of either man published outside Japan.
In the 1960 film Hawaii Midway Ocean Combat; The Storm in The Pacific (ハワイ・ミッドウェイ大海空戦 太平洋の嵐), Yamaguchi was portrayed by Toshiro Mifune.
Toshiro Mifune | Toshirō Mifune | Toshiro Sakai | Kyuzo Mifune |
Sunday was cool, but dry, and a crowd of 75,000 included actors James Garner (Pete Aron), Toshirō Mifune (Mr. Yomura) and Jessica Walter (Pat Stoddard), as well as director John Frankenheimer, who were in the final stages of creating the movie Grand Prix.
The novel was made into a movie with the title Shadow of the Wolf by Jacques Dorfmann in 1992, with Lou Diamond Phillips, Toshiro Mifune, Jennifer Tilly, Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu, and Donald Sutherland.
Petitclerc wrote several movies for television and the screenplay for the 1972 feature film Red Sun with Charles Bronson and Toshirō Mifune.
Hatta was also able to enlist the participation of a number of other established actors, such as legendary Japanese actor Toshirō Mifune, and Tamlyn Tomita.