
5 unusual facts about Totius

A.G. Visser

He attended school in Daljosafat at the same time as two other notable writers, Totius and D.F. Malherbe.

Hertzog Prize

The prize was first established in 1914 as part of the Tweede Taalbeweging ("Second Language Movement"); its first winner was Totius for his 1915 poetry collection Trekkerswee (Trekkers' Grief).


Totius Graeciae Descriptio, a bestselling 16th century map of Greece drawn by Nikolaos Sophianos

Optatam Totius, the Decree on Priestly Training, was a document produced by the Second Vatican Council

Tweede Asem

The giants of the war era, such as Totius, Jan F. E. Celliers, or C. Louis Leipoldt, having come more or less to terms with the past, began at this time to address topics such as religion or nature.

Bulgarian–Latin Wars

Their Doge took the title quartae partis et dimidiae totius imperii Romaniae dominator or "Lord of a quarter and a half part of the whole Roman Empire".

Durham University Library

The collection contains a number of pre-18th century along with 16th and 17th century works, including Aristotle's Totius naturalis philosophiae Aristotelis paraphrases and Galen's De sanitate tuenda alongside Vidius's Chirurgia and Estienne's De Dissectione.


The inscription was published in Inscriptiones totius orbis Romani antiquae by Jan Gruter.


He may have assumed the title of king before; but he now became totius Orientis imperator, not indeed joint-ruler, nor Augustus, but independent lieutenant of the emperor for the East (Mommsen, Provinces, ii. p. 103).

Optatam Totius

Optatam Totius influenced German Roman Catholic theologian Karl Rahner to write his work The Founndation of Christian Faith.


:Vincenzo de Vit (1810-1892), known principally for two works of vast labour and research, the Lexicon totius Latinitatis, a new and greatly enlarged edition of Forcellini, and the Onomasticon, a dictionary of proper names;

see also