A church is present near Gøtugjógv, and inside it has huge stained glass made by the artist Tróndur Patursson from Kirkjubøur.
Tróndur Patursson (born in Kirkjubøur on March 1, 1944) is a Faroese painter, sculptor, glass artist and adventurer.
In 1976 he joined Tim Severin in a transatlantic voyage in a replica 6th century leather-hulled curragh named Brendan.
Zacharias Heinesen (1936), Thomas Arge (1942–1978), Tróndur Patursson (1943), Torbjørn Olsen (1956), Barður Jákupsson (1943) and Amariel Norðoy (1945) all belong to this group, as do many others.