But Dr. Stein identifies the kingdom of Abhisara with the tract of the lower and middle hills between the Vitasta(Jhelum) and Chadrabhaga(Chenab) including the state of Rajapuri(Rajauri) in Kasmira.
Alexander Hugh Macmillan (1877–1966), member of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society Board of Directors in 1918
By 1957, the year Cornplanter's last direct descendant (Jesse Cornplanter) had died, the Cornplanter Tract had only a seasonal population.
The inclusion or skipping of the exon depends on two antagonistic proteins, TIA-1 and polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB).
As Grace King puts it, it was "an office rich in salary, perquisites, and business opportunities. He soon acquired wealth in it, or through it." Among his investments was a large tract of land downtown, purchased from Governor O'Reilly on perpetual lease.
The Anonymus of York (or The Norman Anonymous), author of an 11th‑century religious/political tract on the right of kings
He was involved in several other businesses during this time, including a paper mill in Stockton, the Judson Manufacturing Company in Oakland, the Pioneer Pulp Mill Company near Alta (Placer County), the Puget Sound Iron Company, and a large tract of land in Washington state for the cultivation of cranberries.
The residents were taken to a large tract of land, 13 miles (19 km) from the city centre, known as Meadowlands, which the government had purchased in 1953.
Birkholz P, Jackel D, Kröger BJ (2006) Construction and control of a three-dimensional vocal tract model.
The Atlantic Coast Aeronautical Station was sponsored by aviation pioneer Glenn H. Curtiss on a 20-acre tract east of Newport News (VA) Boat Harbor in the Fall of 1915 with Captain Thomas Scott Baldwin as head.
, 12mo, London, 1703, a tract attributed to Matthew Hale, the foremost 17th-century jurist of English procedure.
Judge Isaac H. Bronson probably first considered moving to Palatka, Florida in 1852 when the "Palatka Tract" of about 1,220 acres was conveyed in trust to him by three prominent Palatka families - the Reids, the Carrs, and the Burts.
An 800 km2 tract of land around the town has been classified as an Important Bird Area because it supports up to 20 breeding pairs of the endangered Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo.
The first mention of it is in a tract reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany entitled "The Secret History of the Calves Head Club".
Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Luciferi contra Jesum Christum is a tract written by Jacobus de Teramo in around 1382.
Atlantic Coast Aeronautical Station, Newport News, VA Aviation Pioneer Glenn H. Curtiss sponsored the Atlantic Coast Aeronautical Station on a 20-acre tract east of Newport News (VA) Boat Harbor in the Fall of 1915 with CAPT. Thomas Scott Baldwn as head.
Phineas Lyman (1716–74) major general in the Connecticut militia during the French and Indian War who later led settlers to a tract of land near Natchez, Mississippi
In addition, to bring their messages to the public they set about writing their own tract, Hara Hara Tokei, which they published in March 1974.
He also helped settle the Six Nations that had been driven out of New York during the war, issuing what is now known as the Haldimand Proclamation, awarding them a tract of land on the Grand River in what is now southern Ontario.
One of the most famous was the grant of a huge tract he made to Gregor McGregor in 1820, an area called Poyais, which encompassed lands once granted by George I to some Englishmen.
The Thomas-Foreman Historic Home, also known as The Grant Foreman House, (1419 West Okmulgee) is a house in Muskogee, Oklahoma, United States, built by John R. Thomas in 1905 on a tract of prairie land.
The new company was named after James Hamilton, owner of a large tract of land which was granted to him from William Penn and included what is now the city of Lancaster.
The Mishnah, Tosefta, and Gemara, include a tract entitled Terumot ("Offerings"), which deals with the laws regulating raised offerings.
Hobcaw Barony, also known as Bellefield Plantation, a tract of land in Georgetown County, South Carolina, in the United States
In May 1805 he purchased a tract of 1,000 acres (4 km²) in the southwest corner of the third quarter of Township 10, Range 1, or the southwest corner of Sandy Township, embracing also the corner of Lawrence across the river from Godfrey Haga, for $1,062.50.
The medial tract has a "straight" (interspinales, intertransversarii, and spinalis) and an "oblique" (multifidus and semispinalis) component, both of which stretch between vertebral processes; the former acts similar to the muscles of the lateral tract, while the latter function unilaterally as spine extensors and bilaterally as spine rotators.
In 1623 Lynde published An Account of Bertram the Priest, with Observations concerning the Censures upon his Tract, “De Corpore et Sanguine Christi.” This was intended as an introduction to a tract against transubstantiation by Ratramnus, of which English translations had appeared in 1548 and 1582, and another, by William Guild, came out in 1624.
The story is loosely based on a historical event, the Sicilian Vespers of 1282, using material drawn from the medieval Sicilian tract Lu rebellamentu di Sichilia.
In 1889, Mayor Charles Donald Jacob purchased Burnt Knob, a 313 acre (1.3 km²) tract of land 4 miles (6 km) south of the city, for $9,000, and was reimbursed by the city treasurer without approval from the city council or public referendum, meaning the original purchase was probably illegal.
This is the case for fungi such as Candida albicans, which inhabits the skin, mouth, GI tract, gut and vagina of mammals and can lead to systemic infections of immunocompromised patients; as well as for the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the major causative agent of tuberculosis.
Before coronal consonants, this produced Alderney, alter, bald, balderdash, bold, cold, false, falter, fold, gold, halt, hold, malt, molten, mould/mold, old, palsy, salt, shoulder (earlier sholder), smolder, told, Wald, Walter and wold (in the sense of "tract of land").
Born in New York, Milk came to Illinois after purchasing a large tract of land in Iroquois County.
George's Manor was a large tract of land purchased by William "Tangier" Smith in the 17th century on Long Island, in central Suffolk County, New York.
Other notable personages who owned cabins in the Middleton Tract include famed Palo Alto Architect Birge Clark, Round Table Pizza founder Bill Larson, Stanford University Professor of Education Avlarez, and one of the Mozilla Foundation/Mozilla Corporation's founders Asa Dotzler.
It is, for instance, the title of an essay by Joseph Franklin Rutherford, who was the second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
In connection with Oliver Phelps, he purchased from the state of Massachusetts in 1788 pre-emption rights to an immense tract of land in western New York State which straddled the Genesee River, all for the sum of $1,000,000 (the Phelps and Gorham Purchase).
Do Bhreathnuib in Ibh Amhalghaidh mec Fiachrach tract commonly referred to as The Welshmen of Tirawley, preserves tradition concerning the settlement of Glen Nephin by William Mor na Maighne Barrett (fl. 1267), and a gruesome account of a long conflict between the Bourkes, the Barretts, and tenants of the latter clan, the Lynnots.
The collection further explores the concept of relationships, loosely based on the tract The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
The British medical abbreviation for oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, a diagnostic endoscopic procedure that visualizes the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract up to the duodenum.
Only months after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, the Interurban Electrical Railroad purchased a 160-acre tract of ranch land in the Santa Clara Valley owned by Sarah Winchester.
A 4,909 km2 tract of land, including the forest and the nearby Warrumbungle National Park, has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports populations of Painted Honeyeaters and Diamond Firetails.
In 1919, after the death of her husband R. J. Reynolds in 1918, Mrs. Katharine Smith Reynolds donated a large tract of land then known as "Silver Hill" to the City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
On 1 December 1631 Trelawney and his partner Moses Goodyeare were granted a patent by the Plymouth Company for a tract of land between Spurwink River and Presumpscot River and for Richmond's Island at Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
and continued this until 1866 when they leased a large tract in the area of Woodhouse, Hackenthorpe and Beighton, at that time outside the Sheffield boundary, from the Earl Manvers.
Karora Singh confined his activities to the tract lying south of the Karigra hills in Hoshiarpur district, and had seized several important towns such as Hoshiarpur, Hariana and Sham Chaurasi before he died in 1761.
In 1932, Mason Spencer, a state representative from Tallulah, armed with a gun and a hunting permit, shot a rare male Ivory-billed Woodpecker on a large tract of swamp forest land owned by the Singer Sewing Company.
The concept of the album is that each song is dedicated to a person who has influenced the duo, which is reflected in the songs themselves; "Rag for William S. Burroughs" features the clatter of a type writer and a gunshot, representing the William Tell incident, and "Tract for Valerie Solanas" contains excerpts from the "SCUM Manifesto".
Four ships of the United States Navy have been named Canonicus for Canonicus, a chief of the Narragansett Indians, who befriended Roger Williams, and presented him with a large tract of land for the Rhode Island colony.
In association again with Lord Brooke and ten others Saye obtained from Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick and the New England Company a patent for a large tract of land on the Connecticut River (19 March 1632).
He named his 50,000 acre (8 x 10 mile tract of land (210 km2)) plantation "Islip Grange," in honor of Nicoll's ancestral home in East Northamptonshire, England, from which Matthias emigrated in 1664: Islip, England.