
unusual facts about endangered

APE Foundation

Krabi Province has the last remaining areas of topical lowland forest in Thailand, these richly diverse areas are home to several endangered and threatened species such Bearcat, Rufous-collared Kingfisher and Gurney's Pitta

Arizona Mountains forests

Pollution and reduction of rivers are threatening specific plants and animals including Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and Goodding's willow (Salix gooddingii), the threatened Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae), the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus).

Atewa Range

Butterfly species include the Papilio antimachus, which has the widest wingspan in the world and the Mylothris atewa, which may be globally critically endangered.


This forest is famous to the critically endangered Jerdon's Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus locally known as Kalivi kodi.


The Arabian Leopard is classified as Critically Endangered in the IUCN Red List and listed in CITES Appendix 1.

Banda Sea

There are only twenty-two mammals on these islands including three endemics, the rare Dusky Pademelon (Thylogale brunii) and Tomb Bat (Taphozous achates), and an endangered mouse-eared bat, the Kei Myotis (Myotis stalkeri).

Barton Creek

The reserve is home to old-growth stands of juniper, oak, cedar and elm trees, rare woodland flowers and plants such as Heller's marbleseed and gravelbar brickellbush, endangered golden-cheeked warblers and black-capped vireos, and the threatened Guadalupe bass.

Barview, Tillamook County, Oregon

With the future of the building in flux, it is one of ten entries on the Historic Preservation League of Oregon's Most Endangered Places in Oregon 2011 list.

Black River Falls, Wisconsin

The Black River Falls area is home to a large population of the endangered Karner Blue butterfly.


Its protected status has gained publicity through a widely reported court case, in which one of India's leading film stars, Salman Khan, was sentenced to five years imprisonment for killing two blackbucks and several endangered chinkaras.

Broxton Rocks

The near-threatened* Bachman's Sparrow, the endangered* Red-cockaded Woodpecker and the Pileated Woodpecker, whose drum-like peck can be heard over long distances, all nest here.

Buddleja ibarrensis

Buddleja ibarrensis is an endangered species endemic to a small area of Ecuador in the vicinity of Ibarra in subtropical or tropical moist montane forest at an elevation of 2,200 m threatened by deforestation.

California State Route 92

In one serpentine soil location near Crystal Springs Reservoir, it passes near one of the only known colonies of the endangered wildflower Pentachaeta bellidiflora and near one of the limited number of colonies of the endangered Eriophyllum latilobum.

Canary rockfish

On October 29, 2007, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) received a petition from Sam Wright of Olympia, Washington to list a distinct population segment (DPS) of canary rockfish, and four other rockfishes, in Puget Sound, as an endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act).

Ceanothus roderickii

This endangered plant was first collected in 1956 near Shingle Springs.

Chatsworth, Ontario

Although the Hungerford's crawling water beetle was categorized as endangered on March 7, 1994, under the provisions of the U.S. Endangered Species Act, it is currently not protected in Canada.

Clianthus puniceus

The species is critically endangered in the wild, known only on Moturemu Island in the Kaipara Harbour.

Drinkwater Park

The reservoir is stocked with freshwater fish and is home to an array of pondlife such as newts, water boatmen, pondskaters and the endangered freshwater pearl mussel.

Endangered Species Act

President Richard Nixon declared current species conservation efforts to be inadequate and called on the 93rd United States Congress to pass comprehensive endangered species legislation.

Frank Davey

He witnessed the 1965 Watts Riots from an apartment within the curfew zone, feeling more endangered, he indicates in 'Writing a Life' (99-100) and When TISH Happens (224), by the US National Guard than by the mostly black protesters.

German Eastern Marches Society

Other notable group of supporters included the local artisans and businessmen, whose interests were endangered by the organic work, that is the Polish response to the economical competition promoted by the Settlement Commission and other similar organizations.

Glenmere mansion

In 2008, the restoration project was temporarily halted over concern for the endangered Northern cricket frog.

Great Lakes refugee crisis

The forests of Virunga National Park, home to the endangered mountain gorilla, were badly damaged by the demands for firewood and charcoal made by the refugees.

Han language

Hän language, an endangered Native American language spoken in Alaska and Yukon

Hay Swamp

Endangered fish and mussel species present in Hay Swamp include, Eastern Sand Darter, Greenside Darter, Northern Riffleshell, Snuffbox,Wavy-rayed Lampmussel, Rainbow Mussel and Kidneyshell.

Herlasgrün–Oelsnitz railway

In the mid-1990s, the remaining section of the line, which connected Reichenbach and Zwickau to Adorf and Klingenthal, was selected by the state of Saxony as a pilot project for the revitalisation of endangered branch lines.


International Gorilla Conservation Programme, formed in 1991 to ensure that the critically endangered mountain gorillas are conserved

Incan little mastiff bat

The species is red listed as an endangered as of 2008, mainly because it is known only from a single location, near the Urubamba River in Peru.

K. David Harrison

Harrison has done field work on endangered languages in Siberia and Mongolia Tuvan, Tsengel Tuvan, Tofa, Ös, Tuha, Monchak, Munda, and also in Paraguay, Chile, Papua New Guinea, and India.

Kisber Felver

Like many other horse breeds, the Kisber Felver was endangered during the World War I and World War II.

Lake Ladoga

48 forms (species and infraspecific taxa) of fish have been encountered in the lake, including roach, carp bream, zander, European perch, ruffe, endemic variety of smelt, two varieties of Coregonus albula (vendace), eight varieties of Coregonus lavaretus, a number of other Salmonidae as well as, albeit rarely, endangered European sea sturgeon.

Lavinia Nature Reserve

The reserve provides habitat for many birds and other animals, including the critically endangered Orange-bellied Parrot, the extremely rare King Island subspecies of the Brown Thornbill, and the Southern Hairy Red Snail.

Margaret McJannett

- Endangered plants and animals in the ACT, Ian Fraser and Margaret McJannett, Conservation Council of the South-East Region and Canberra, Canberra, 1996.

Mikhail Zasulich

His refusal to go on the offensive and continual retreats made him unpopular with his troops, at the Battle of Liaoyang, his refusal to obey Lieutenant General Nikolai Zarubaev’s orders to hold his position endangered the entire Russian position.

Mithi River

In 2009, environmentalist and Magsaysay Award winner, Rajendra Singh lead a yatra, of a group of environmentalist and NGOs, through Mumbai city along the endangered Mithi river to highlight its problems.

Native plant

As a result, the El Segundo blue butterfly (Euphilotes battoides allyni) became an endangered species.

Nicole Duplaix

She discovered her passion for otters while volunteering at the Bronx Zoo, where the zoo's curator introduced her to these endangered sea and river mammals.

North Rothbury, New South Wales

The town is home to a small population of the critically endangered North Rothbury Persoonia (Persoonia pauciflora).

One Lucky Elephant

The film focuses on the extraordinary human-animal bond between Circus Flora founder, Ivor David Balding, and Flora an endangered African elephant, and their journey to find her a permanent home that leads them to The Elephant Sanctuary (Hohenwald).

Parides klagesi

Because of the prior CITES listing and apparent rarity, this species was placed in the endangered species list for the northern Brazilian state of Pará.

Petaluma River

Endangered flora include Soft Bird’s-Beak (Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis), Baker’s Stickyseed (Blennosperma bakeri), Burke’s Goldfields (Lasthenia burkei), Showy Indian clover (Trifolium amoenum), Sebastopol meadowfoam (Limnanthes vinculans).

Pinanga andamanensis

Pinanga andamanensis is one of the critically endangered species of endemic palms reported from the Andaman Islands.

Range safety

Space vehicles for sub-orbital and orbital flights from the Eastern and Western Test Ranges were destroyed if they endangered populated areas by crossing pre-determined destruct lines encompassing the safe flight launch corridor.

Society of Motherland Friends

From the very beginning patriotic activity of the Society was endangered by the stiff competition with "Blacha", as people of Warsaw called roistering youths grouped around Copper-Roof Palace (quarters of prince Józef Poniatowski), who wore green frock coats with "Jabłonna" inscription on their collars.

Tourism in Zanzibar

The Kidike root site is a great place to view the endangered Pemba flying fox.

Turtle Island Restoration Network

This had at the time been an affiliate organization of the Earth Island Institute since 1989, focusing on the international protection of endangered sea turtles.

United States Senate election in New Hampshire, 2008

Political analyst Chuck Todd said that Sununu was one of the most endangered incumbents, due largely to his continuing support of the President's Iraq policy.

Watchung Mountains

The park is known to contain at least one globally imperiled plant, Torrey's mountain mint (Pycnanthemum torrei), as well as three other plants endangered within New Jersey.


Over the years since then the festival has significantly expanded its scale and content and the charity has also enlarged its remit, including by launching ARKive, a centralised collection of films and photographs of endangered species which can be accessed free of charge through an award-winning website.

see also