
unusual facts about Transitional Federal Government

Siege of Baidoa

The Siege of Baidoa (July 2008 - January 2009) was a military confrontation in which the Al-Shabaab militia laid siege to the headquarters of the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG).

2002 Mombasa attacks

On 20 December 2006, Salad Ali Jelle, Defence Minister of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government, said that one of Washington's suspects, Abu Taha al-Sudan, was an Islamic Courts Union leader fighting against the Transitional Federal Government in the 2006 Battle of Baidoa.

Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia

It was created in September 2007, when members of the Islamic Courts Union and Somali opposition leaders met in Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, and united to oppose Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the latter's Ethiopian allies.

Fall of Kismayo

The Fall of Kismayo occurred on January 1, 2007, when the troops of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and Ethiopian forces entered the Somali city of Kismayo unopposed.

Gabre Heard

He had little to do with the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), based in Baidoa, dealing mostly with his close allies in government, who included Mogadishu mayor and ex-ARPCT warlord Mohamed Omar Habeb, Mogadishu Police Chief and ex-ARPCT warlord Abdi Hasan Awale Qeybdiid, and the TFG security agency head Mohamed Warsame Darwish.

Ibrahim Hassan Addou

There, he served as the Dean of Benadir University in Mogadishu, and represented the ICU in its ongoing discussions in Khartoum and Nairobi with the Somali Transitional Federal Government.

Omar Muhamoud Finnish

After the defeat of the ICU by the alliance of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), the autonomous states of Puntland and Galmudug, various warlords and, most importantly, the army of Ethiopia, he returned to Mogadishu and was present on January 12, 2007 at Villa Somalia where an agreement was reached between the Mogadishu warlords and the TFG to disarm the militias and to direct members to join the national army and police.

Salim Aliyow Ibrow

Ibrow served as the interim Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government from October 29, 2007 to November 24, 2007, following the resignation of Premier Ali Mohammed Ghedi.

Villa Somalia

On 8 January 2007, Transitional Federal Government President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed entered Mogadishu for the first time since being elected to office.

see also

Battle of Mogadishu

Fall of Mogadishu (2006): The Transitional Federal Government and Ethiopian Army attacked and captured the city held by the Islamic Courts Union


Muhammad Ibrahim Habsade, is former rebel soldier and current Agriculture minister in the Somali Transitional Federal Government.