
unusual facts about Tristram Shandy

Aleksander Fredro

His memoir Topsy Turvy Talk, which echoes the style of Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy, recounts his military experiences during Bonaparte's last campaign.

Alexander Scott Bullitt

He named it Oxmoor, after the fictional farm in Tristram Shandy.

Barchester Towers

The narrator speculates that he is a lineal descendant of Doctor Slop from the novel Tristram Shandy.

Nino Rota

Gus Van Sant used some of Rota's music in his 2007 film Paranoid Park and director Michael Winterbottom used several Rota selections in the 2005 film Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story.

Thomas Jefferson Hogg

As a young man Thomas Jefferson read many books, including Paradise Lost, Tristram Shandy and the Life of Johnson.

Tom Hickathrift

He is mentioned in Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy and Lavengro by George Borrow, although Borrow places his exploits as far north as Lincolnshire.

see also