Muslims, Jews, Unitarians and other nontrinitarians claim that the orthodox trinitarian Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitutes Tritheism, since these distinct "persons" are unified only by an impersonal substance ousia which does not transcend, or exist apart from, the persons.
Sherlock's work is said to have made William Manning a Socinian and Thomas Emlyn an Arian, and the dispute was ridiculed in a skit entitled "The Battle Royal", attributed to William Pittis (1694?), which was translated into Latin at Cambridge.
The term has been sporadically used to spearhead heresy accusations, especially when employed against Christian sects promoting allegedly anathema conceptions of the Trinity.
# The Bohemian Jesuit philosopher Anton Günther was also accused of Tritheism, leading to his work ending up on the Index librorum.
Damian was very active in fighting views that he considered heretical, including not only tritheism, but also the Chalcedonians, Pope Leo's Tome, Bishop Julian of Halicarnassus, the Agnoetae, the Meletians, the Acephali, the Gaianites (supporters of a rival to Theodosius I), Stephen of Alexandria and Paul of Beth Ukame.