
9 unusual facts about Trivial Pursuit

Biggest ball of twine

Yankovic refers to the ball itself, and thus his previous work, in the video for "White & Nerdy", wherein a Trivial Pursuit card which includes the question "In what city is the largest ball of twine built by one man?" appears on screen.

Caledon Canadians

The Canadians were owned by a creator of Trivial Pursuit, but folded the very successful team after a long feud with the Caledon City Council who controlled the local arena.

Dawid van Lill

He contributed the sports section for the South African Encyclopaedia (for MWeb Learning), compiled questions for the previous South African version of Trivial Pursuit, and verified the questions and answers for five series of The Weakest Link.

Dawid also compiled general knowledge questions for a South African version of Trivial Pursuit.

Ferdie Adoboe

Adoboe was a Sports Illustrated Faces in the Crowd in 1983, and he is also an answer in the 1984 version of the popular trivia game Trivial Pursuit.

Julian Morrow

His main field assignments include "Pursuit Trivia", where he poses random Trivial Pursuit questions at press conferences, and as the "Citizens' Infringement Officer".

Little Heroes Foundation

Other fund-raising activities include charity golf events, special event Luncheons, and sales from specialist items such as modified versions of the popular board games, Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit.

Neil deMause

He previously worked for Metro New York as an op-ed columnist for two years and spent six years as a question writer for the popular board game Trivial Pursuit.


There are two versions of the album: a plain one with an acrylic case and a lyrics booklet and a deluxe version with a board game that is a cross between Trivial Pursuit and snakes and ladders.

see also

Marie-Ange Nardi

She has chiefly worked as a game show host, on Trivial Pursuit, Jeux Sans Frontières, Grain de Folie, Pyramide, Qui est qui ?, Tout vu Tout lu, and, beginning in 2006, La Cible.