Tropaeolum, a plant genus in the Tropaeolaceae family, commonly known as nasturtium
After seven essentially comedic variations, the eighth involves Trotsky seeing Mercader out of the house in a civil manner, with Ramon—having posed as a gardener—revealing that he actually did perform some gardening on Trotsky's property and requesting that Trotsky go outside to admire his nasturtiums.
These are generally mustard oils, which are characterized by a burning taste; their principal occurrence is in mustard and Tropaeolum seeds.
Superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties can also easily be demonstrated in many other plants, for example Tropaeolum (nasturtium), Opuntia (prickly pear), Alchemilla, cane, and on the wings of certain insects.
The larvae feed on various herbaceous plants, including Chenopodium ambrosioides, Nicotiana tabacum, Trifolium, Mentha, Triticum aestivum and Tropaeolum.