
2 unusual facts about True Lover's Knot

Solomon's knot

Because the knot seems to be two entwined figures, it is sometimes interpreted as a Lover's Knot, although that name may indicate another knot.

True Lover's Knot

The larva is reddish-brown with pale lines and feeds on heather and related genera (e.g. Erica).

Devil's Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three

On May 5, 1993, Christopher Byers, Michael Moore and Steven Branch went missing from their homes in West Memphis, Arkansas.

Leveritt's book revolves around the central idea that the three teenagers convictions were a result of "Satanic panic" rather than actual evidence.

Solomon's knot

In other words, if laid flat, the Solomon's knot is seen to have four crossings where the two loops interweave under and over each other (as opposed to only two crossings in the simpler Hopf link).

Traitor's Knot

It is also volume four of the Alliance of Light, the third story arc in the Wars of Light and Shadow.

see also

Honeypot Wood

Plants in the reserve include Mercurialis perennis (dog's mercury), Anemone nemorosa (wood anemone), plants in the genus Neottia (formerly known as Listera, commonly known as twayblades), Paris quadrifolia (True-lover's Knot or Herb Paris), Hyacinthoides non-scripta (formerly Endymion non-scriptus or Scilla non-scripta, Common Bluebell or Bluebell) and St John’s wort (Tipton's weed, chase-devil, or Klamath weed).

Leopard's bane

Paris quadrifolia, also known as Herb Paris, True lover's Knot, a species in the family Melanthiaceae