In the spring of 1944 he was moved to KL Gross-Rosen where since May 1944 to February 13, 1945 he was company commander and the head of sub Parschnitz in Pozici and AL Trautenau in Trutnov in the Czech Republic.
Reluctant to return to the USSR, he continued flying as a test pilot and was killed on October 20, 1922 near Trutnov, Czechoslovakia when his Potez aircraft crashed in the Sudetes mountains.
Trutnov |
Teams arrived in Trutnov, at the Hotel Patria on 7 July and the competition officially began on 8 July in Malé Svatoňovice at the bottom of the Jestřebí Mountains (16 km from Trutnov, 5 km from Úpice).
Prince Charles then discovered that Frederick had failed to occupy the Graner-Koppe, the hill north of Burkersdorf (Střítež, Trutnov District, modern day Czech Republic) that dominated the landscape to the east and south.
Borovnička (Klein Borowitz), German name of the Czech village and municipality in the Trutnov District