Ratanpur was founded by Ratanraj or Ratandeva son of Kamaladeo, the grandson on Kalingaraj, who conquered the area of Chhattisgarh and shifted his capital from Tuman to Ratanpur in 11th century AD.
It included the song "Tuman" from the Kommunizm album Khronika pikiruyushchego bombardirovshchika, recorded in 1989 and originally issued in 1990.
Tuman was the starting tight end for the 1997 undefeated team named National Champions by the Associated Press, and scored the decisive touchdown in the 1998 Rose Bowl victory over Washington State which secured their undefeated season.
Yaroslav Mudry (named after the great ruler of the Kievan Rus, Yaroslav the Wise) and Tuman ("Fog", named after a World War II era Soviet patrol boat whose crew exhibited great valour in combat with three German destroyers).
The name Touman (*Tumen) is likely related to Middle Chinese *muan, West Tokharian t(u)māne, Old Turkic/Mongolian tümen, Modern Persian tumân, all meaning '10,000', a myriad).