
unusual facts about Tungus



Cognate with Middle Mongolian maqta-, maxta- (“to laud, carol”), from Proto-Mongolic *magta- (“to praise, glorify”), Evenki migdi- ("to be noisy, produce noise"), Oroch magui- ("to shamanize"), from Proto-Tungus-Manchu *miag-, Middle Korean 말 (māl, “speech”) (from Proto-Korean *mār < *maga-r), Old Japanese 申す (mawos-, “to speak (polite)”) (from Proto-Japonic *màw).

Ruvim Frayerman

Frayerman joined the Red partizan unit fighting Japanese troops nearby Nikolayevsk, then as a komissar travelled through Siberia, helping to maintain the Bolshevik rule in regions inhabited by Tungus, Nivkh and Nanay people.

Solon people

According to Janhunen's research, the numerous dialects of the Ewenki language can be divided into two major groups: those of the Solons (which he labels "Solon Ewenki") and those of the Ewenki of Siberia (as well as the Oroqen and the "Manchurian Reindeer Tungus" of China), which he calls "Siberian Evenki".


According to Sheng-Wu-Chi's Ming dynasty chronicle ("Our dynasty is informed by military realizations"), in this land the Tungus Weji, Warka and Kurka tribes were established.

The Languages of the Peoples of the USSR

#Mongolic, Tungus-Manchu and Paleosiberian languages (Монгольские, тунгусо-маньчжурские и палеоазиатские языки)

see also