
unusual facts about Turbulence

Article Four of the United States Constitution

A republican form of government is distinguished from a pure democracy, which the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid; as James Madison wrote in Federalist No. 10, "Hence it is that such pure democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."

Articulatory synthesis

Birkholz P, Jackel D, Kröger BJ (2007) Simulation of losses due to turbulence in the time-varying vocal system.

Avianca Flight 52

In the 2004 film The Day After Tomorrow, stock footage of the plane wreckage was utilized to represent a plane that supposedly crashed due to turbulence.

Barham Salih

His term was marked by a turbulence time with the rise of an opposition(Movement for Change) to challenge the government while his own party was scrambling to stay together after losing the stronghold city of Sulaymaniyah.

Bert Foord

One of the highlights of his career came in 1969 during the BBC coverage of the Apollo 12 mission, when he predicted that the spacecraft could face some turbulence on take-off and might be struck by lightning.

Boeing Model 40

February 26, 1928: A Boeing Air Transport Model 40B (c/n 891, registration NC280) crashed near Marquette, Nebraska after the aircraft struck trees when flying low to avoid air turbulence; the passenger was killed, but the pilot survived.

Boussinesq approximation

Turbulence modeling and eddy viscosity: in modelling the turbulence Reynolds stresses, the Boussinesq approximation results in the use of an eddy viscosity concept

Environmental flow

Additionally, a 2D model is developed from a 3D turbulence model based on Smagorinsky large eddy closure to more appropriately model environmental large scale flows.

European Marine Energy Centre

Hammerfest Strom UK Ltd has deployed an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and turbulence meter at the site, preparatory to their device deployment in 2010.

Heat pipe

For example, in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System residual ground heat remaining in the oil as well as heat produced by friction and turbulence in the moving oil could conduct down the pipe's support legs and melt the permafrost on which the supports are anchored.

Heron cylinder head

("Squish" is an effect in internal combustion engines whereby turbulence is created when the compressed charge is "squished" as the piston reaches TDC. Such turbulence is desirable as it promotes more extensive mixing of the fuel/air mixture: cf: cf1, cf2, cf3).

Israel Tennis Association

Kollie Friedstein, also the executive director of the Israel Tennis Centers ("ITC") and one of the founders of Kibbutz Shoval in the Negev, become chairman of the ITA in 1988 for a 2-year period, at which time "a state of turbulence" existed between the ITA and the ITC.

Jet wash

Wake turbulence, turbulence that forms behind an aircraft as it passes through the air

Juan Camilo Mouriño

In November 2009 the Mexican government announced that the main cause of the crash was turbulence encountered because of the pilot's failure to slow down in time and approaching too close to the wake turbulence of a 767.


Entitled Turbulence – Live In Poland, it features Landmarq filmed in concert at the Wyspianski Theatre, Katowice, in November 2005.

Mikhail Rabinovich

In 1986, he co-authored chapters on the evolution of turbulence in the seminal textbook Course of Theoretical Physics ( (Fluid Mechanics Volume) of Lifshitz and Landau.

Multifractal system

They include fully developed turbulence, stock market time series, real world scenes, the Sun’s magnetic field time series, heartbeat dynamics, human gait, and natural luminosity time series.

Optical resolution

A key measure of the quality of atmospheric turbulence is the seeing diameter, also known as Fried's seeing diameter.

PLO in Lebanon

Lebanese president Charles Helou was anxious about the prospect of nationalist sentiment causing turbulence in Lebanon following the war, which had ignited mass support from Arab communities of the Palestinian cause.

Pteryx UAV

Fuselage pitch due to turbulence (up to 8 deg during hot weather, typically 2 deg in winter)

RAF Falcons

The Big Six were the first to jump from large military aircraft such as the Beverley - a feat previously thought impossible on the premise that anybody trying to exit from the ramp would be sucked back by the air turbulence.


Astronomical seeing, the blurring effects of air turbulence in the atmosphere

Seething Wells

However the inlets here sucked up too much mud with the water because of turbulence caused by the River Mole, River Ember and The Rythe.

Shamsur Rahman

During the period of President Ershad he got involved with internal turbulence in the Dainik Bangla.


The vertical range of sodars is approximately 0.2 to 2 kilometers (km) and is a function of frequency, power output, atmospheric stability, turbulence, and, most importantly, the noise environment in which a sodar is operated.

Tiltfactor Lab

Layoff was developed in collaboration with the Rochester Institute of Technology and launched in the spring of 2009 amid significant economic turbulence in the United States.

William Happer

Happer, G. J. MacDonald, C. E. Max, and F. J. Dyson, "Atmospheric-turbulence compensation by resonant optical backscattering from the sodium layer in the upper atmosphere," J. Opt.

see also