
unusual facts about Turdus


Turdus Musicus |

Bare-eyed Thrush

:For the Caribbean and South American species Turdus nudigenis, see Spectacled Thrush

Christmas Thrush

The Christmas Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus ), ia a subspecies of the Island Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus).

Edmund Heller

Species which were named in honor of Heller include the Southern Pacific rattlesnake (Crotalus helleri), the Taita Thrush (Turdus helleri), and the Puna Thistletail (Schizoeaca helleri).

Izu Thrush

The Izu Thrush (Turdus celaenops), also known as the Izu Islands Thrush, is a thrush native to the Izu and Ryukyu Islands of Japan, in particular, Hachijojima, Mikurajima, and Miyakejima in the former chain, and Yakushima and the Tokara Islands in the latter.

Johann Andreas Naumann

He wrote an important book on the birds of Germany entitled Naturgeschichte der Vögel Deutschlands (1804), and his name has been commemorated in the Latin names of the birds Lesser Kestrel, Falco naumanni, and the Naumann's Thrush, Turdus naumanni.

Lord Howe Thrush

The Lord Howe Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus vinitinctus), also known as Vinous-tinted Thrush or Vinous-tinted blackbird, is an extinct subspecies of the Island Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus).

Rufous-backed Thrush

The subspecies of the Islas Tres Marías, also found around San Blas, Nayarit, is sometimes considered a separate species, Grayson's Robin or Grayson's Thrush, Turdus graysoni (Ridgway, 1882).

Taita Hills

More than 20 endemic species of African violets (e.g. Saintpaulia teitensis) occur exclusively in that region and known endemic bird species are the Taita Thrush (Turdus helleri) and the Taita Apalis (Apalis fuscigularis).

Taita Thrush

The Taita Thrush was previously classified as subspecies of the Olive Thrush (Turdus olivaceus), but it is regarded as distinct species since 1985.

Tristan Thrush

The thrush is thought to have evolved from an ancestor in the genus Turdus from South America, and resembles an immature Austral Thrush, but its adaptations to life on a small island group, including an unusual brush-tipped tongue modified for extracting the contents of eggs, have been used as reasons to warrant its separation into the monotypic genus Nesocichla.

Turdus musicus

Redwing (Turdus iliacus, formerly Turdus musicus), a bird

see also