In the same manner as Gil Polo in his Diana, he makes the river Turia pronounce the praises of the celebrated Valencians.
It is endemic to the Iberian peninsula, been present in the basins of the rivers Turia and Mijares.
The vineyards are located between two rivers: the Turia and the Cabriel.
When king Charles IV visited the city of Turia in 1802, the king appointed him an honorary court painter at the same time he gave him some commissions that he executed successfully.
A Pontenova is part of the Turia Valley or “Valle del Turia”, a small valley on the western border of the Cantabrian Mountains in the northwest of Spain which is close to beaches and is divided by two counties: Asturias and Galicia.
Turiasaurus (meaning "Turia lizard"; Turia is the Latin name of Teruel) is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary.